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Four half size bars of rosemary mint artisan soap.


Cold process soap is the combination of fats (oils and butters) and sodium hydroxide (lye). This combination creates the chemical reaction known as saponification, which binds the ingredients together without the use of an outside heat source. Researching the properties of all ingredients is key to understanding how each will affect the performance of the product. Different oils and butters affect the soap performance, and additives such as kaolin clay or activated charcoal create unique properties in the product that appeal to different users. We choose ingredients that are vegan friendly for the majority of our products.


Once base ingredients have been selected, we move to the design phase where skin safe colorants and fragrances are added to further customize each design. We carefully handcraft each individual batch, resulting in a unique artisan creation. All together, our creative process is designed to provide a luxury boutique experience for our customers!

Safety goggle icon.


During the manufacturing process, proper safety and care of ingredients is important. Lye solution and uncured cold process soap is caustic before saponification occurs.


Use of safety glasses, gloves, long sleeves, and other safety equipment protects the maker while contributing to good manufacturing practices.

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Artisan cold process soapmaking can take us up to two months from start to finish. Creation of the lye solution can take hours to cool to the correct temperature range for the remainder of the manufacturing process.


Once the lye solution, oils, fragrances, and colorants are combined, it typically takes 12-48 hours for the saponification process to complete and the soap to harden enough to unmold. Once unmolded, the loaf can be cut into individual bars and set aside for the curing process.


While curing, the bars continue to evaporate excess moisture, hardening and creating a longer lasting bar. Normally it takes 4–6 weeks before the soap is fully cured and ready for use!

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Similar to our artisan soap, our other luxury products require research and product development. Additives such as vitamin E, arrowroot powder, and sugars change the performance and feel of the finished product.


We test each new product to ensure it performs as anticipated and meets our quality standards before offering them to our customers for purchase.

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